Financial Summary

Corporate Profile

SunRice is a global FMCG business and one of Australia’s leading branded food exporters.

SunRice was built by the Australian rice industry over many decades, and today is one of Australia’s leading branded food exporters.

With revenues in excess of $1.5 billion and operations and markets spanning the globe, we supply close to 50 countries with diverse and nutritious food products. Innovation is the key to our success and our brands represent superior quality around the world.

Our proud history dates back to the establishment of a single rice mill in the Riverina region of New South Wales in 1950. Our operations have expanded to include state-of-the-art processing, packing and value adding food plants, employing around 2,100 people across Australia, the Pacific, America, the Middle East, Asia and Papua New Guinea.

We boast over 30 brands and a broad portfolio of subsidiary businesses, including: CopRice – stockfeed and companion animal food; Riviana – antipasto and home entertaining sector; Trukai – the leading rice food company in PNG; SolRice – the leading rice food company in the Solomon Islands; and SunFoods – our US based business.

SunRice 5 Year Abbreviated Financials

Ricegrowers Limited, Consolidated Group

Five year summary of SunRice performance for year ending 30 April.

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020
Gross Revenue
1 874 170 1 634 456 1 334 393 1 026 219 1 134 818
Net profit before tax (NPBT)
86 732 69 699 59 668 19 042 31 110
Total assets
1 402 827 1 326 963 1 198 793 921 553 818 306
Total liabilities
799 515 770 317 693 444 460 569 336 947
Shareholder funds
603 312 556 646 505 349 460 964 481 359
Dividends per share
60 50 40 33 33
Net tangible assets per share
8.06 7.45 6.77 6.62 7.82
Price earnings ratio
6.7 7.4 8.9 19 11.2

Board Members

Name Position
Laurie Arthur Chairman, Moulamein Rice Grower - BAgSc GAICD
Paul Serra Chief Executive Officer - BEng (Hons)
John Bradford Mayrung Rice Grower - GAICD
Luisa Catanzaro Non-Grower Director - BComm FCA GAICD
Dr Andrew Crane Non-Grower Director - BSc (Hons) PhD FAICD
Ian Glasson Non-Grower Director - BEng (Hons) MIE Aust GAICD
Melissa De Bortoli Griffith Rice Grower – BBus, MProp, GAICD
Ian Mason Finley Rice Grower - MAICD
Julian Zanatta Benerembah Rice Grower - GAICD

Management Members

Name Position
Paul Serra Chief Executive Officer - BEng (Hons)
Dimitri Courtelis Chief Financial Officer - BCompt (UNISA), CA (CA ANZ), CFE (ACFE)
Kate Cooper General Counsel and Company Secretary BA (Communications) LLB
Bel Tumbers Chief Executive Officer, Global Rice
Stephen Forde Chief Executive Officer, Riviana Foods Pty Ltd
Ganesh Kashyap  General Manager, CopRice - BEng (Hons), MBA
Alan Preston        Chief Executive Officer, Trukai Industries Limited - BBus (Marketing)
Vesna Garnett Chief People Officer - BCom (Human Resources/Accounting)